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Calm Horizon Psychology

Calm Horizon Psychology is an emerging clinical practice growing in the local community. It has always been our mission to provide a warm, friendly, and professional service to people seeking meaningful change in their lives. Our approach to treatment is empirically informed and individually crafted to suit specific needs.

Taking the First Steps

“It has been my clinical experience, as well as being indicated in the literature, that people come to therapy as a last resort. They have often experienced years of frustrations, problems, and distress, for which they have tried multiple strategies and problem solving techniques, to overcome or avoid issues faced in life. Unfortunately, it is often the case that one becomes stuck in this process, which only leads to more negative feelings, such as being inadequate, frustrated and/or defeated. The problem with life issues and difficulties is that it is very difficult to see the root of the problem from within. Its like a fish trying to describe the shape of his fish bowl – as an outsider one can identify the shape of the fishbowl, however if you’re the fish, describing the shape becomes so much harder – all you can do is swim around and bang your head against invisible walls (sound familiar?). So when one decides to take the first step in coming to therapy, it is important to see it as an opportunity to discover, overcome and defeat invisible walls and barriers, rather than seeing it as a failing or shortcoming.”

Dr James Welch

I have found that helping people to be a privilege and an honour, which I have enjoyed since leaving University and working in the health and wellness industry for several years. However, it wasn’t long before I realised how changing a mindset (rather than their fitness program) had profound and last changes in people’s lives. Returning to University to complete a PhD in Clinical Psychology, I have now enjoyed working for more than 15 years in the mental health industry. I am genuinely grateful for the thousands of people that I have had the honour of working with, and I hope that I have the opportunity to help you.


Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology

Bachelor of Psychology

Diploma in Introduction to Psychology

100-hour training program and Master Class Program in the application of Clinical Hypnosis in Therapy

Reach Out Today!

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